
Get More Done

With Useful Workflows

Optimize and streamline your workflows with our scalable and affordable work order management software suited for the diverse needs of government organizations.

Workflow Management 3

Collaborative, Transparent, and Intuitive

MESH offers a flexible, integrated approach to managing work orders for government and municipal organizations. Streamline processes, cut costs, and unite departments for shared success.

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Featured Module

Mobile Work Orders & Service Requests

Bridge the gap between incoming service requests and new work orders to streamline resolution of your citizens’ concerns. Forward a service request to one or more departments to create as many work orders as you need. Or create stand-alone work orders from scratch to track any other work to be done. Take control of your organization’s division of labour with our new Mobile Work Orders & Service Requests module.

Transform Your Workday, Explore Our Features and Benefits:

Reduce Operational Cost

Cost Savings and Strategic Budgeting

Cut back on operational costs without compromising service quality through better visibility and control of your workflows.

Improved Departmental Communication

Staff Collaboration & Reduced Administrative Errors

Bridge the communication gaps between departments. Manage and forward service requests efficiently, fostering a culture of aligned, confident decision-making and collaborative communication.

Increased Accountability and Oversight

Future-Ready Operational Excellence

Easily track labour time so you always know where work is being completed and the costs associated with it. Leverage this data to forecast future budgeting and resource requirements.

Scalability for Growth

Handle Increasing Workloads

Unify your teams through our work order management software. With MESH, our team is committed to building scalable solutions that connect service requests and work orders across your entire organization, managed from one location. 

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Lead Your Municipality in Productivity

Our work order management software streamlines workflows while simplifying compliance documentation and facilitates knowledge sharing across departments. MESH ensures comprehensive adoption and is user-friendly for all, from the tech-savvy to the novice. With its versatility at a competitive price, it consolidates your software needs, optimizing your work order operations.

What People are Saying

"The MESH platform is phenomenal, its versatile, adaptable and cost effective. The Go Evo team listens to what is needed in the industry and reacts to put out flexible solutions that truly help our community."

Joe Reid

General Manager, Transportation and Operation Services, City of Belleville

“In 30 years working in public works I know that when I don’t hear feedback that means the software is being adopted, the feedback from our field officers has been extremely positive. The speed of adoption is faster than I’ve seen from other vendors or out-of-the-box software, that speaks to the simplicity of MESH and the level of process alignment and customization it allows”

Dan Locke

Manager of Public Works, Town of Tillsonburg

“With MESH I save a minimum of 5 hrs per week with the reduction in task oversight and follow up. I have more confidence all checks and balances are being performed and that work is being completed on time with the simple dashboard and instant field updates. We are saving at least 30min on each of our Play Area inspections compared to our old paper-based process.”

Keeley Biron

Parks & Recreation Manager, City of Quinte West

"MESH has allowed our municipality to modernize and streamline our Public Works Department. Public Works spends less time travelling back and forth from the office to the field...and our Roads Department uses MESH to complete weather checks, road patrols and sign inspections in an efficient manner. We have appreciated the prompt, courteous and friendly manner in which Go Evo has worked with our small, rural municipality. There is no one size fits all approach – rather an individual approach that has allowed us to work with MESH to develop solutions that meet our needs"

Christine Poland

Township of Enniskillen

Our administrative staff finds MESH very convenient and simple with delegating and tracking our daily service requests from residents. The Winter Patrol module is easy to follow and adds a level of security knowing the system is keeping us on track for daily patrol routes. Weather reports are sent automatically to the office for file and your friendly and patient staff are always willing and available to answer our questions."

Jennifer McIlwain

Township of Selwyn

"Overall, I highly recommend this platform if you want to have complete control over your information. My team and I use MESH as a daily tool and we incorporate it into nearly everything we do. If it can be tracked, we use MESH. The application allowed us to almost eliminate paperwork and we are no longer dependent on white boards, chalkboards, and post-it notes. I would also like to add that their support team is fantastic."

Martin Clouthier

Public Works Manager, Municipality of French River

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the software bridge the gap between service requests and work orders?

Our MESH software connects citizen concerns directly to actionable work orders, ensuring swift and organized responses. You can forward a service request to one or more departments, create as many work orders as needed, or create stand-alone work orders to track other tasks.

Can multiple service requests be linked to a single parent request?

Our work order management software allows you to link multiple service requests to one parent service request. This feature helps in organizing and managing related requests efficiently.

Can you forward or retract service requests to/from departments?

Absolutely. You can create service requests and either immediately forward them to departments or hold them back. Additionally, existing service requests can be forwarded to one or more departments, and there’s also an option to ‘unsend’ or retract a sent request.

How does work order assignment work in the system?

You can create work orders without immediately assigning them to workers or giving them directly. Our system also allows the retraction of assigned work orders and the linking of new work orders to previous ones. We’ve added an update to select between “First to Complete” or “All to Complete” work order types.

What happens when a work order is completed?

Once a work order is completed, its status changes to “Complete” or “Pending Approval.” if the approval process is turned on. If the work order type is “First to Complete,” it’s marked complete when one worker finishes it. For “All to Complete” work orders, completion occurs when all assigned workers finish the task.

What are the capabilities for managing equipment in the software?

Our software allows supervisors to add and update equipment to select from when creating work orders and allocating resources. This feature is vital for efficient equipment management and maintenance.

How does the system handle notifications and emails?

Email notifications are sent based on various actions. For instance, departments receive emails when assigned new or existing service requests. Workers get notified when assigned to new or updated work orders. Email notifications ensure everyone is informed and up-to-date.

How does the public-facing interface work?

The public-facing form allows community members to report issues or service requests. Once submitted, our system processes the request, allowing the client to convert it into a work order and assign it for completion.

Can I choose the pieces of information I want to enter?

Yes! You can hide fields you don’t want to see, make fields required to ensure data is always captured, and create custom fields for your department to collect additional information that’s important to you.

Think Bigger

Than Today

For the assets you have now and the ones you’ll build tomorrow, MESH supplies you with the latest government asset management solutions. Find out how we can build with you below.